Amon Duul Drei Jahrzehnte (1968-1998) (Compilation) LP

Amon Duul: Drei Jahrzehnte (1968-1998) (Compilation) - £0.00

Drei Jahrzehnte (1968-1998) (Compilation) by Amon Duul is on the FXU label and for sale on in LP format for just £0.00. It is a second-hand LP with a catalogue number of and the condition is 0. It comes with the original case and inserts unless stated in the condition field below.


Drei Jahrzehnte (1968-1998) (Compilation)


German Rock

published year:




cat no:






  • Drei Jahrzehnte (1968-1998) (Compilation) Track List:
  • CD 1: 1 Wenn die Sonne der Kultur niedrig steht, werfen selbst Zwerge lange Schatten 2 Kanaan 3 Luzifers Ghilom 4 Henriette Kr�tenschwanz 5 Phallus Dei 6 Yeti Talks To Yogi 7 Gulp A Sonata 8 Eye-Shaking King 9 Archangels Thunderbird 10 Cerberus 11 Return Of R�bezahl 12 Pale Gallery CD 2: 1 Wolf City 2 Wie der Wind am Ende einer Strasse 3 Green Bubble Raincoated Man 4 Jail-House Frog 5 Deutsch Nepal 6 Sleepwalker's Timeless Bridge 7 Surrounded By The Stars 8 Gala Gnome 9 A Morning Excuse 10 Jalousie 11 Ladies Mimikry 12 The King's Chocolate Waltz 13 Blue Ghetto 14 Dr. Jeckyll 15 Mr. Kraut's Jinx 16 La Krautoma CD 3: 1 Transistor Child - Das Leben der H�hner 2 Transistor Child - Race From Here To Your Eye 3 Deheypnotized Toothpaste 4 The Marilyn Monroe Memorial Church 5 Chewing Gum Telegram 6 Syntleman's March Of The Roaring Seventies: - In the Glassgarden - Pull Down Your Mask 7 Paralized Paradise 8 All The Years Round 9 Tables Are Turned 10 Hawknose Harlequin 11 Between The Eyes 12 Lemmingmania 13 Vortex CD 4: 1 You Are Not Alone 2 Vortex 3 Holy West 4 Vibes In The Air 5 Traveller 6 Mona 7 Mirror 8 Speed Inside My Shoes 9 Dancing On Fire 10 Nada Moonshine Cairo 11 Sirens In Germanistan 12 Wings Of The Wind 13 Jam Hai - Tokyo

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